Report 49ers are going to let this one person decide Colin Kaepernicks fate

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The have known for almost a month now that wants out of San Francisco. However, despite from Kaepernick's agents, the 49ers haven't budged: Kaepernick's still on the team.So will the 49ers hold on to Kaepernick or will they trade him?Apparently, that multi-million dollar decision will fall Noah Hanifin Men Jersey on one person: Chip Kelly.According to , 49ers owner Jed York has "made it clear" that Kelly will have final say on whether or not the Niners keep Kaepernick.Although general manager Trent Baalke has historically made the personnel decisions in San Francisco, it would absolutely make sense for the Kaepernick decision to fall on Kelly. During his three years in the NFL, Kelly's never had a quarterback who could truly Freddie Hamilton Women Jersey run his offense and if Kaepernick can do that, then it would be silly to get rid of him. There's also this: While he was in Philadelphia, Kelly for Kaepernick.If the decision is up to Kelly, then it's likely he'd hang on to the quarterback for at least another few weeks. The 49ers aren't allowed to start their offseason workouts until April 4, which means TJ Brodie Men Jersey Kelly will have to wait until at least early April to see what Kaepernick's capable of on the field.If Kelly ends up liking what he sees out of Kaepernick, then the quarterback's future might actually Marek Hrivik Kids Jersey be in San Francisco. Over the past month, Kelly has had nothing but good things to say about Kaepernick."I'd love to have him. I'm a big Kap fan," Kelly on Friday.At the NFL combine in February, Kelly the po sibility of working with Kaepernick. "I'm excited to work with Colin," Kelly said. "I've never thought that, 'Hey, I'm going to go to San Francisco and he's not going to be there.' I don't know why everybody else looks at it that way, either."Since Kelly was , he's kept relatively close tabs on Kaepernick. The two have Jaromir Jagr Men Jersey talked and texted each other multiple times.Kelly's only been on the job for two months and he's potentially already facing the biggest personnel decision of 49ers coaching career, which is almost ironic. After he was fired by the Eagles, Kelly said that he didn't Gary Roberts Men Jersey want any personnel power in his next job. "I don't want to go somewhere and be the GM," Kelly said . "I just want Michael Frolik Men Jersey to go coach somewhere, somewhere where there's a GM and a personnel guy and I can just coach again."The Kaepernick decision is probably one that he'd be willing to make though. Of course, if the Broncos or Browns were to offer the 49ers a first- or second-round pick for Kaepernick, then Baalke might make the deal because that would be almost too good to pa s up.
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